On this website you will find information about the companies in our group. Details of the individual companies are listed below.
Provider of this website:
Auditing company
Maximilianstrasse 27
80539 Munich
Phone: +49 89 – 29032 – 0
Fax: +49 89 – 29032 – 133
Managing Directors:
RA StB Reinhard Ewert
WP Benjamin Feldmann
WP StB Stefan Hirschmann
WP StB Klemens Tobias Kempa
WP StB Alexander Lummel
WP Alexander Paul
StBin Katrin Statz
WP StB Sebastian Wohldorf
The legal professional titles of “Auditor” and “Tax consultant” were awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Legal form and company details:
Limited liability company
Registered office: Munich
Register court: Munich Local Court HRB 50766
VAT identification number: DE 129383660
Competent supervisory authorities and profession:
The partners and professionals are members of the Chamber of Public Accountants (WPK)
Rauchstrasse 26
10787 Berlin
Professional regulations:
The auditing profession is essentially subject to the following professional regulations:
- German Commercial Code (HGB)
- Law on professional regulations for auditors (WPO)
- Professional statutes for auditors/sworn accountants (BS WP/vBP)
- Statutes for quality control
- Seal Ordinance
- Auditor Professional Liability Insurance Ordinance, which can be viewed under the heading “Legislation” on the website of the Chamber of Public Accountants:
The provisions of the HGB can be viewed at under “Laws / Regulations”.
Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW)
General terms and conditions
You can view the general terms and conditions here.
Professional liability insurance:
To protect its clients, PKF Industrie- und Verkehrstreuhand maintains the professional liability insurance required by sections 54 WPO, 67 StBerG and 51 BRAO, which covers the risk arising from all activities in the professional spectrum of auditors and tax consultants.
The insurer is Versicherungsgemeinschaft für das wirtschaftliche Prüfungs- und Treuhandwesen, Dotzheimer Str. 23 in 65185 Wiesbaden (
The geographical scope of the insurance cover includes services at least in the member states of the European Union.
Applicable law / place of jurisdiction:
German law and German jurisdiction shall apply exclusively to orders, their execution and the claims arising therefrom. The place of jurisdiction is – insofar as the customers are entrepreneurs or public bodies – Munich.
Transparency report
You can find an overview of our multidisciplinary activities in the Services section. Our specialist committees are described in detail together with other persons under the statements on the “Corporate and supervisory structure” in our transparency report. The measures we have taken to avoid conflicts of interest are described in our transparency report under the statements on “Declarations on measures to safeguard independence”.
Information according to §§ 36, 37 Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG):
Note for consumers:
Platform of the European Commission for online dispute resolution (OS) for consumers:
We are neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
Responsible for journalistic and editorial content:
Sebastian Wohldorf, business address: Maximilianstrasse 27, 80539 Munich
Benjamin Feldmann, business address: Philipsbornstrasse 2, 30165 Hanover
Further contact addresses
Other companies from our group of companies are also presented on these websites. The company information can be found below.
PKF IVT IT Solutions GmbH
Maximilianstrasse 27
80539 Munich
Phone: +49 89 – 29032 – 0
Managing Directors:
Alexander Paul
Christoph Mertens
Florian Laudenbach
Legal form and company details:
Company with limited liability
Registered office: Munich
Commercial register: Munich Local Court HRB 242326
VAT identification number: DE 129383660
Maximilianstrasse 27 | 80539 Munich
Philipsbornstr. 2 | 30165 Hanover
Phone: +49 89 – 29032 – 0
Fax: +49 89 – 29032 – 133
Managing Directors:
StBin Katrin Statz
Leo Ernst
Dr. Christian Amberg
The legal professional titles “Wirtschaftsprüfer (WP)” and “Steuerberater (StB)” were awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Legal form and company details:
Company with limited liability
Registered office: Munich
Register court: Munich Local Court HRB 269631
VAT identification number: DE 347744548
Maximilianstrasse 27
80539 Munich
Phone: +49 89 – 29032 – 0
Managing Directors:
Reinhard Ewert
Christian Ludwig Palm
Legal form and company details:
Company with limited liability
Registered office: Munich
Register court: Munich Local Court HRB 212677
VAT identification number: DE 323458006
The lawyers of PKF IVT Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft are admitted to practice under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of the Bar Association for the Higher Regional Court District of Munich, Tal 33, 80331 Munich, Germany
The Bar Association is the competent supervisory authority.
The relevant professional regulations can be found in the Federal Lawyers’ Act (BRAO), the Professional Code of Conduct for Lawyers (BORA) and the Specialist Lawyers’ Act (FAO). Further information on professional law and the relevant legal bases can be found on the website of the German Federal Bar Association under the heading “ Professional Law”.
Professional liability insurance:
Professional liability insurance (pecuniary loss liability insurance) is provided by:
Insurance Association for Tax Consultants and Auditors
Dotzheimer Street 23
65185 Wiesbaden
The territorial scope of the insurance cover includes services at least in the member states of the European Union.
Note for consumers:
No online services for consumers are offered via this website.